Every On Course Gambler Needs A Trusty Old Chromebook

Image by freepik

Every On Course Gambler Needs A Trusty Old Chromebook
It’s lovely to have a day at the horse races. However, the alternative to working at home makes betting on course feel kind of alien. Not only that, but you can be prone to making mistakes by either losing track of time or being caught up in the razzmatazz.

Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of razzmatazz?

The amount of times I’ve had a day at Great Yarmouth races and missed a winner is too many. It can be very frustrating. Who is to blame? You’ve guessed it, myself. But that’s the problem of trying to enjoy a day at the races. It may well be travelling via train to your destination. In the pub before heading to the course. Or you simply get sidetracked by the atmosphere and all that jazz. 

I have visions of the late Lionel Blair doing the light fantastic as we speak. 

The way to maintain professionalism at the racecourse is as much to do with your planning and approach as anything else. And it is reason why you shouldn’t take a day at the races as reason to let your standards slip. From experience, I can tell you it happen all too often which is no surprise as there are lots of distractions. 

Planning is key. 

Without a plan of attack we are like a headless chicken. You simply run until you hit something or you run out of blood. Yes, I know that is a rather illustrious depiction of a day at the races. It sounds more like a sacrifice. 

You don’t want to be laid on the alter.

Anyway, I think you get what I’m talking about. 

I purchased an old Chromebook from Wowcher. It cost about £70 including postage. It is some reconditioned number but it works well and the battery lasts for four hours or so. Sure, I could use my iPhone but I hate trying to use that as the text is so small it strains my eyes and the information on the Racing Post and Betfair, in its simplified format, just doesn’t work very well. Also, the amount of times the battery has run down is unending. There doesn’t seem to be a phone on the market which holds a decent charge. 

I can’t be doing with it. 

So the 11.6 inch Chromebook is ideal. 

I have a retro Gola sports bag which is perfect to fit all of the essentials. 

However, you need more than a Chromebook to be professional. You need to be observant and specially those 20 minutes before the start of the race. If you have a busy day of racing selections and potential bets you shouldn’t be anywhere but at home. You cannot do it all and reason why those day’s out need to be picked well. 

I can pair my Chromebook with Wi-Fi data on my phone and sit at the top of the grandstand away from the hustle and bustle. Also, it is an ideal place to watch the horses running down to the start if your bet is at the track. Your trusty binoculars are better than the big screen so another thing to keep in your bag with a shoulder strap. So much better than holding something all day which can be cumbersome. 

If you need to concentrate simply say to your friends or family that you have to concentrate and you will be back in half an hour. They won’t mind as they want you to be professional and enjoy your day. If you back a winner they know they will be for a good drink. 

The handy size of the Chromebook, giving access to all your apps is a brilliant addition to your day at the races. 

I have learned hard lessons far too many times at the racecourse and watching a winner go unbacked is a depressing aspect of what should be an enjoyable day. However, if you plan and are prepared there is no reason to miss out. 

Get a cheap little Chromebook as part of your gambling method. 

It’s the answer to the question. 

Always bet responsibly and with professionalism. 

Photo: Freepik 

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